Preferred Partners – American Family Insurance

Waterline Boats / Boatshed Seattle is pleased to partner with American Family Insurance as a preferred marine insurance provider. Being boat owners ourselves, we understand the need to know that one’s vessel will be protected financially in the event of an accident.

Waterline Boats / Boatshed Preferred Partners - American Family Insurance

To that end, we are happy to be able to recommend American Family Insurance to our customers in need of reliable protection for their yacht, power boat, sailboat or trawler. American Family has an array of insurance coverage options for all types of watercraft, as well as policies for vehicles, homes and more.

Established for nearly a century, American Family is the third largest insurance provider in the US and enjoys an A+ rating. The company maintains client satisfaction scores of 9.71 out of 10 — just one demonstrative result of their long history of successfully going above and beyond to meet their clients’ marine insurance needs.

As lives evolve and boating needs change, it is essential that boat owners have the right insurance plan in effect and know they can trust their insurance provider to take the correct actions in a timely manner when needed. Whether a liveaboard in a marina, a weekend power boating enthusiast, an offshore cruiser or a recreational trawler helmsman, American Family has a suitable insurance plan for all occasions and situations.

You may connect with American Family via any of the Boatshed websites below. A link to a contact form can be found within any of our Boatshed presentations, and provides more information on the insurance options available.

Boatshed Seattle
Boatshed Everett
Boatshed Port Townsend
Boatshed Tacoma

With its Preferred Partner Program, Waterline Boats / Boatshed Seattle connects trusted marine service and product providers to customers, who are often involved in outfitting a “new to them” boat — this is just one more way we make a boat purchase easier and more enjoyable.